


Help now and donate

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Will you help build the future?

A small gift, a big difference!

Anyone can donate. With your donation, we will ensure that every child in Sailung has the opportunity to receive good education. We will provide for this with the construction of a new school building and financial support for the school in the future. In addition, families with school-aged children will receive a stove that promotes general health. 

There are several options to contribute to the foundation:

example Window unit

One-time donation

Periodic donation

  • Met een periodieke donatie steun je het voortbestaan van onze stichting en help je ons om ook op lange termijn de school, leraren en leerlingen te kunnen blijven ondersteunen. Met uw giften bouwen we bijvoorbeeld verder aan het nieuwe school building
  • Sponsor a student: For 25 euros a month you can provide a child with education. The school contribution, teaching materials and the school uniform are paid for this. With this you make an important contribution to the development of these children and you give them a future. Look HERE voor meer informatie of neem  Contact us
  • Middels een require one gift agreement. helpt de belasting mogelijk u ook nog mee.

I have a different idea

  • If you would like to contribute to the foundation in a different (non-financial) way, we would of course like to hear that. Do you have an idea for a sponsor promotion, do you want to link us to someone from your network or do you have another great idea? Then Contact us

Did you know that our foundation has ANBI status? This means that in most cases our foundation's donors may deduct their gifts from income or corporation tax. Click here For more information
